Learning path definition

We define the activities that learners have to follow in order to progressively build knowledge

Learning path management

Even when the learning path has been well defined, it is necessary to take into account that reality evolves and changes priorities.

Marketing Automation

We send a programmed sequence of emails to each learner according to the activities performed;

Content writing

Writing is the most generating value phase. It is necessary to be concise, but exhaustive. Clear in the path followed and in the language used.

Report analisys

An online platform generates a mountain of data on users and content. We have tools that allow us to analyse this data in real time and turn it into useful information.


We use the most powerful software to create SCORM content that can be uploaded to different LMSs.


To increase understanding and memory of a concept, we we enrich the pages with images, graphs and films and, relying on an in-house cartoonist, also with ad hoc comics.
