We use the building blocks of strategy.
They help companies make strategic choices and carry them through to operational reality.
Frame (“What are the tight questions”),
Diagnose (“Where and why do you make money?”),
Forecast (“What futures do we need to plan for?”),
Search (“What are the potential pathways to winning?”),
Choose (“What is our integrated strategy?”),
Commit (“How do we drive changes?”),
Evolve (“How do we adapt and learn?”).


Consultancy developed in close collaboration with the company for strategic co-construction projects.
A consultancy that, done together, is also formative.
Because the classic consultant “drugs” the company.

Participative consultancy frees companies by giving them not only solutions but also tools.


Most organisations face a difficult challenge when developing a strategy.
The CEO might have a pretty good idea as to where to take a company, but the management team and the workforce are so busy with day-to-day activities,
nothing seems to change.
The problem is, they are all experts in their field, but they are not experts in strategic planning.
Bringing in a skilled strategy consultant
to act as a teacher and facilitator to kick-start the activity with a rock-solid process and a structured workshop can make a real difference.
