mobile friendly

mobile Friendly

A “mobile friendly” platform is not only usable by smartphone, but is above all optimized for being used on the move, even in distracting enviroments.


Participants are requested to rate every completed content. In this way they know they can influence the creation of future content.


Gamification means adopting a human-focused design. This implicates that everything is optimized for human motivation. Games have no other purpose than to please the human playing them, the moment a game is no longer fun, users leave it and play another game.

Animation Support Learning

When learners mentally connect words and pictures, they are engaged in meaningful learning that is more likely to support understanding. It is important that animations and text work together to communicate the instructional message.


We use questons to guarantee frequent learner interaction to sustain attention and promote learning.



Learner-Centred Content

Learning content should be relevant and specific to learners’ needs, roles and responsibilities in professional life. Skills, knowledge and information should be provided to this end.

Social Function

Learners need to feel part of a community where their likes and comments influence the behaviour of the other learners. So for us it is important to activate these actions in order to make the social interaction part of the learning experience.

Easy Language

We spend a lot of energy in making our texts effective. The language is always direct, informal, easily understood. We use short sentences, we cut off any weak words, we eliminate passive voice and anything that does not enrich the value of the text.

Micro Learning

We provide content in a short, targeted way. In this way it fits naturally into the daily workflow. Randomly cutting a one-hour course into five-minute chunks and calling it microlearning will not produce the intended learning results. The design process of microlearning must be deliberate or the desired result will not be achieved.
